• If you suspect an infant, child or young adult of having a developmental delay or disability, your school district can open a window of hope for a brighter future. Services are at no cost to the family are available to all eligible individuals from birth through 21 years of age regardless of the severity of their disability. Special services are available to eligible infants, children and young adults identified with a disability.
    Child Find is an on-going process of identifying, locating and evaluating the needs of children and providing services to meet individual and unique needs. The early childhood screening process includes:

    • Brief background history
    • Speech and language screening
    • Developmental screening in the areas of motor, concepts and language

    Early Childhood Screenings for children ages 3-5 are scheduled by appointment at the CISD Special Education Department. For more information about the screening process, call 817-297- 5300.

    Child Find is a requirement of both federal and state law. It mandates that each school district will locate, identify and evaluate, at no cost to the family, all students, from birth to 21, who are suspected of having a disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) list and defines thirteen disabilities. They are: autism, deaf-blindness, auditory Impairment, emotional disturbance, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, learning disability, speech impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment and non-categorical early childhood.

    Children ages 0-3, are referred to Early Childhood Intervention of Tarrant County. Children ages 3-21, who reside within the boundaries of Crowley ISD, are referred to the Special Education Department of CISD at 817- 297-5300.

    Crowley ISD provides special education services to children who have, or are suspected of having a disability. Special education services are available to children with disabilities, ages 3 through 21. Children who have impaired vision or hearing can receive services from birth through age 21.

    CISD also provides services to students with disabilities who attend a private or home school located within the boundaries of CISD. Additionally, CISD provides services to students with disabilities who are placed in a foster home or other residential facility within the district’s geographic boundaries.

    If your child attends public, private or a home school in CISD or if you know of a child residing in a foster home or other residential facility within CISD and you believe the child has or may have a disability, please contact one of our campuses. You may also contact the Special Education Department at 817- 297-5300.

    CISD staff will work with you to ensure that every child receives an appropriate evaluation; determine which children have a disability that qualifies for services. Services are offered to all children free of charge.