Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does "A" mean in STEAM?
    The A is ART. All STEAM students attend art classes and the art teacher assists them in creating unique projects or solutions to problems.

    Are there UIL competition opportunities?
    All DPE students have opportunities to compete in Elementary Academic UIL competitions.

    Do parents need to be involved?
    We do require students and parents to engage in community service. We ask parents to commit to at least one school volunteer opportunity.

    What if my students is not gifted in math or science?
    STEAM is not for gifted students as it is about Choice and Interest.

    Can any student apply?

    Is there a fee to enroll?

    Will there be after school STEAM programming?
    Currently we have an after school art program, but parents pay for this service. We do have an after school math program called Crazy Eights and it is free. We plan to expand our after school STEAM programs in the near future.