English Learner Texas Logo. ENGLISH LEARNERS IN TEXASFACT SHEET #1 An English Learner is a student who is in the process of acquiring English and has another language as the primary language. The terms English language learner and English learner are used interchangeably and are synonymous with limited English Proficient (LEP) student, as used in Texas Education Code 29, Subchapter B. English Language Learner (ELL) equals English Learner (EL) Fast Facts: 20% of the student population in Texas public schools are English Learners. Over 5 million students are enrolled in Texas public schools Texas serves just under1 in 5of the nationŐs English Learners. 8% of English Learners are also receiving Special Education services. Languages in Texas: 90%Spanish 7.2%Other languages 1.2%Arabic 1.6%Vietnamese 120+ languages spoken in Texas public schools. Source: PEIMS Data 2018-2019 Distribution of English Learners Across Texas: 94% of School Districts have identified English Learners Map of Texas separated by regions. Region 1 and 19 are darkest with more EL students and regions 2, 5, 15, 14, 17, and 9 being the lightest with the smallest number of EL students. Percent of English Learners per Regional Education Service Center: 0-5% 6-9% 10-15% 16-19% 20-25% 26-29% 30-40% For more information about Education Service Centers visit: direc.to/eafw https://www.txel.org/ Texas Education Agency Logo 512-463-9414