What is an Early College High School?
Crowley Collegiate Academy is a school-within-a-school Early College High School designed to foster a “college-going culture” and prepare “college-ready” students. Students accepted to CCA will have the opportunity to be successful in high school and college courses in order to earn not only a high school diploma but also a college Associate’s degree.
What classes are the students taking?
Courses offered at CCA are Pre-AP and Dual Credit level. Pre-AP courses are offered in 9th and 10th grade for English, Math, Science and Social Studies. Dual Credit courses are offered beginning in 9th grade by TCC instructors. Dual Credit courses earn both high school and college credit. Students will also take elective courses, including AVID and college courses based on the degree plan corresponding to the student's career and future college aspirations (no CTE courses are available). Students are provided a tutorial period for academic support.
How long is the school day and what is the schedule?
Classes at CCA begin at 8:40 a.m. and end at 4:05 p.m. High school and college classes will be held on a college schedule (Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday). Friday schedule provides the opportunity to attend either M/W or T/TH classes a third time with a special schedule created for special projects, guest speakers, volunteer activities, student-developed clubs, or study/tutorial time to prepare for weekend assignments.
Where are classes taken?
CCA is located at the Bill R. Johnson CTE Center and all classes are taken on this campus, and some 11th & 12th grade classes are taken at TCC South Campus. Student school registration and enrollment will take place on the home campus.
What is the dress code at CCA?
Students will follow the high school dress code on Monday-Friday. On designated days and field trips, students will wear their CCA or AVID shirt indicated.
Is there bus transportation?
Bus transportation is currently provided through the CTE shuttle system to and from their home campus of enrollment; normal transportation rules apply to/from home and the home campus. Students scheduled to attend classes on the TCC South campus will also use the shuttle between CTE and TCC South.
What are the requirements for student drivers?
Students who drive to the CTE campus must purchase a parking permit from the CTE office and park in the designated student parking area. Students scheduled to attend classes on the TCC South campus must use the shuttle between CTE and TCC South. Communication between the student's parent and the CCA director will be required for any temporary change in riding the TCC shuttle. Other students may not ride with a student driver.
Are students allowed to leave school for lunch?
Crowley Collegiate Academy is a closed campus similar to the other CISD secondary campuses. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch. Students are also not allowed to have food deliveries to school. Parents are welcomed to bring a lunch for their child.
Can the student participate in athletics or fine arts?
Because all classes for CCA students are taken at the CTE Center, students will not take classes on the home campus. Should students choose to try-out and participate in a home campus extra-curricular activity, the coach or director will need to understand the student will not be able to participate in the activity on the home campus during the school day. Families need to make the best decision for their students, understanding the heavy academic load at CCA. Students who desire to participate in extra-curricular activities on the home campus must request a form from the CCA office.
Can students take CTE classes at CCA?
Although all classes for CCA students are taken at the CTE Center, CCA students have schedules packed with college classes towards an Associate's degree. CCA students will not be able to take CTE classes. Endorsements which require a CTE pathway of courses will be changed to Multidisciplinary upon entering CCA. For more information about CCA courses, please see the CCA Degree Plans.