21st Century Community Learning Center
The 21st CCLC grant serves as a supplementary program that can enhance state or local reform efforts to improve student academic achievement and support overall student development. According to the USDE, the purpose of the program is to create community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities for children, particularly students who attend high-need, high-poverty, low-performing schools, to meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects.
A community learning center assists students outside school hours or when school is not in session to complement the student’s regular academic program. The 21st CCLC funds will create and expand out-of-school-time (OST) programs that offer extended learning opportunities for children and their families.
The 21st Century Community Learning Center’s program, also known as Texas Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE), is intended to improve the following outcomes for students: improve academic performance in reading, improve academic performance in math, improve school day attendance, improve student engagement in learning and improve family engagement.
Contact Us
Nikita Coleman
21st Century Community Learning Center Project Director
Phone: 817-297-5800 ext. 1226
Email: nikita.coleman@crowley.k12.tx.us
21st Century in Action
- Targeted academic support that uses high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), high-impact tutoring (HIT), and/or school-day aligned academic activities.
- Student interest-based enrichment that reinforces academic and nonacademic skills while allowing students to explore their passions.
- College and career readiness opportunities provide real world learning experiences and opportunities to practice 21st-century learning skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.
- Family engagement empowers adult family members and connects them to the school community.