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Crowley Independent School District

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Disability Rights Texas (DRTx)
The federally designated legal protection and advocacy agency (P&A) for people with disabilities in Texas.

North Texas SNAP
A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization serving individuals 17 and older living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Founded in 1999 by a group of parents, North Texas SNAP provides a solid support system for adult children living with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P)
Empowers families to be strong advocates through parent-to-parent support, resource referral and education. TxP2P is dedicated to championing the efforts of a diverse set of parent support groups and advocacy on behalf of our children’s well-being.

Partners Resource Network (PRN)/PATH Project
Partners Resource Network (PRN) is a non-profit agency that operates the Texas statewide network of Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI). The PATH Project, one of the three federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers, serves Texas parents of children and youth with disabilities in our North Texas Region. PATH works to empower parents and to promote partnerships among parents and professionals, parent organizations, school districts and service providers.

Special Needs Alliance (SNA)
A national, not-for-profit organization of attorneys dedicated to the practice of disability and public benefits law. Individuals with disabilities, their families and their advisors rely on the SNA to connect them with nearby attorneys who focus their practices in the disability law arena.

Texas Project First
A project of the Texas Education Agency created by parents for parents, and committed to providing accurate and consistent information to parents and families of students with disabilities. 

Wrights Law
Provides information about special education law, education law and advocacy for children with disabilities.

Disclaimer: Agencies and Resources listed are for informational purposes only. CISD does not endorse any of these programs.