District Board Goals
Early Childhood Literacy Board Goal
The percentage of African American students meeting the standard on 3rd Grade STAAR Reading will increase from 28% to 48% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of African American students in 2nd grade performing on or above grade level as identified by the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark assessment System (BAS) will increase from 35% to 48% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of African American students in the 3rd grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by NWEA MAP Reading will increase from 33% (BOY) to 48% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of African American students in the 3rd grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by the Reading Spring Benchmark will increase from 24% to 48% by June 2025.
Early Childhood Mathematics Board Goal
The percentage of students meeting the standard on 3rd Grade STAAR Math will increase from 45% to 60% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in 3rd grade performing on or above grade level as measured by NWEA MAP Math will increase from 32% (BOY) to 60% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 3rd grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by the Math Spring Benchmark will increase from 38% to 60% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The attendance rate of elementary students will increase from 95.4% to 96.5% by June 2025.
Literacy Board Goal
The percentage of students meeting standard on 5th Grade STAAR Reading will increase from 42% to 57% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 5th grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by NWEA MAP Reading will increase from 34% (BOY) to 57% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 5th grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by 5th grade Spring Benchmark will increase from 37% to 57% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 4th grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by STAAR Reading will increase from 36% to 57% by June 2025.
Mathematic Board Goal
The percentage of students meeting standard on 8th Grade STAAR Math will increase from 37% to 58% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 8th grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by the Math Spring Benchmark will increase from 18% to 58% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 7th grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by STAAR will increase from 18% to 58% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students in the 8th grade at the meets grade level standard as measured by NWEA MAP Math will increase from 15% (BOY) to 57% by June 2025.
CCMR Board Goal
The percentage of College, Career, and Military Ready students will increase from 58% to 73% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students meeting the college readiness standard for TSI criteria in Reading and Math will increase from 28% to 43% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students earning college credit hours through AP, Dual Credit, or OnRamps will increase from 18% to 33% by June 2025.
Goal Progress Measure
The percentage of students earning an Industry-Based Certification will increase from 1% to 16% by June 2025.