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Crowley Independent School District

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Inclement Weather Plan

Crowley ISD closely monitors weather forecasts and the changing conditions to ensure the safety of our students, staff and families. When inclement weather is expected, CISD considers the following before making a decision that alters the normal school schedule:

  • Information on all road conditions, including rural bus routes and whether buses/cars can safely travel.
  • The existing accumulation of snow and ice
  • The rate and expected duration of precipitation
  • Parking lot and sidewalk conditions
  • Utilities (electricity, water, etc.)  
  • Weather predictions

Safety will always be our top priority when faced with decisions about school closing due to weather.

The official decision as to whether classes will be held will be made by the superintendent. When buses are cancelled or schools are closed, CISD will inform families by 5 a.m. If school is canceled, notices will immediately be communicated in the following order:

  1. Social Media
  2. District Website (
  3. Automated call and email to parents and employees - Make sure all contact information is updated and accurate in Skyward to receive emergency notifications
  4. Local news media outlets

Please share this information with anyone who has questions about Crowley ISD’s Inclement Weather Plan. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we monitor the constantly changing, and often hard-to-predict, weather conditions.