Frequently Asked Question
The mission of the Crowley Independent School District Employee Child Development Center is to provide a high-quality child care program for the employees of Crowley Independent School District.
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is a unique child care option that combines high-quality age appropriate instruction and a nurturing environment for young children.
Hours and Operations
What are the hours of operation?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is open Monday through Thursday between 6:30 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. On Friday's, it is open from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Is care provided during breaks like summer?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is not open during school breaks or holidays. The center is open for all teacher work days, including professional development days. The CISD Employee Child Development Center is open 187 days. Please note that the teacher calendar was selected as a means to keep the cost of tuition affordable. Staff that choose to utilize the center save money because the CISD Employee Child Development Center tuition is based on staff paying for days worked.
How much does it cost?
The fee schedule is posted online. The fees are based on the student’s age on the first day of care. The fee will remain the same all year.
Are there any discounts?
The fees for the CISD Employee Child Development Center are deeply discounted when compared to other traditional child care centers. The CISD Employee Child Development Center will further accommodate staff that have more than one child enrolled in the center by offering a 10% discount on the eldest student’s tuition. There is also a one-time registration fee of $150 per family and an annual supply fee of $75 per child. The supply fee is assessed in the spring.
How do I pay?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is open to children and grandchildren of CISD staff. At this time, payroll deduction is the only method of payment for the monthly tuition and supply fees. The one-time registration fee is paid at the time of registration by the employee. Registration is available online.
When is the first payment due?
The first payment for the 2018-19 school year will be pay roll deducted from the September 20 check.
Once I register and pay the registration fee will I be guaranteed a spot?
A non-refundable registration fee of $150 (per family) will be required to submit an application. A recurring $75 fee will payroll deducted from the parent's check upon acceptance into the CISD Employee Child Development Center. The fee is deducted until the child enters care. This fee is necessary as it demonstrates a parent's decision to move forward with enrollment and guarantees your child a spot. If your child care plans change simply email the CISD Employee Child Development Center. Any parent that registers and does not authorize the payroll deduction of the recurring $75 fee is placed on our waiting list and can enter care when space is available.
How many staff will be assigned to each classroom?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center has five classrooms (contingent upon enrollment). Student and caregiver room assignments are based on enrollment and may change at the discretion of the director.
Room (age) | Lead Caregiver | Caregiver | Caregiver: Student Ratio |
Infant (6 wks-12 mos) | 1 | 1 | 2:8 |
Mobile Infant (12-24 mos) | 1 | 1 | 2:10 |
Toddler (Two's) | 1 | 1 | 2:15 |
Jr. Preschool (Three's) | 1 | 1 | 2:15 |
Preschool (Four's) | 1 | 1* floater | 1:15 |
What type of training will the staff undergo?
All staff will have at least 24 hours of professional development throughout the year. The director will have at least 30 hours of professional development. Staff trainings will include but are not limited to:
- Developmental milestones for infants, toddlers and preschoolers
- Social and emotional development
- Curriculum and assessment
- Health, wellness and nutrition
- Building relationships with families
Physical Facilities
Will there be a playground?
Yes, there is a covered playground with an age appropriate structure. The outside learning environment is continuously enhanced as opportunities arise.
What kind of furnishings will be in the classrooms?
The furnishings in all classroom are specifically designed to suite infants, toddlers and preschoolers. All furniture was purchased brand new from Lakeshore Learning. Classroom, outdoor and indoor learning materials are replenished annually and kept in the pristine condition by the CISD Employee Child Development Center staff and CISD maintenance team.
What curriculum will be used?
The center uses Frog Street Curriculum in all classrooms, including infants! All CISD Employee Child Development Center staff attend training to ensure the curriculum is implemented correctly.
Will you allow screen time?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center does not allow screen time for children 0-3 years old. There may be occasional movie opportunities for the preschool classroom. Parents will be notified in writing about all movie days.
Will you have opportunities for field trips and other extended learning opportunities?
The students may take “local” field trips inside of Jackie Carden Elementary. The students may visit the school library, for example. There will be onsite field trips that may include, but are not limited to visits from local servicemen and women, health care professionals and CISD high school students (CTE students). Parents will be notified of writing about any of these events in advance.
Behavior Management
Will you use time outs?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center does not use time outs as a behavior management strategy. Each classroom has age appropriate soothing areas, with calming and sensory items, where students can cool down and take time away from the larger group.
What is the your behavior philosophy?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center uses age appropriate guidance strategies, such as redirection, when working with students. The child development center strives to encourage toddlers and preschoolers to identify their emotions and use language to express themselves. Behavior management is individualized and age appropriate.
Safety and Security
Will there be cameras in the classrooms?
All classrooms and hallways will be equipped with cameras.
Can any Crowley ISD staff visit the center?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center will be closed to visitors other than parents. Any district staff that comes to tour the facility will need to make an appointment with the director. Young children need to have predictable schedules and routines. Frequent visitors can be disruptive to young children’s schedules and affect the general mood.
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is housed at Jackie Carden Elementary. Out of consideration for Jackie Carden students, the center will keep visitations and traffic to a minimum. Parents are welcome to visit the center at any time so long as they are in compliance with district rules regarding work schedules and are not causing a disruption to their child’s schedule.
Who will have access to my child?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is closed to all visitors other than parents. Any district staff that comes to tour the facility will need to make an appointment with the director. All parents must complete registration paperwork that allows them to designate emergency contacts and authorized pickups. These individuals can be non-district employees. All authorized pickups will need to have a valid photo ID (CISD staff badge or state issued identification). No child will be released to anyone that is not on a student’s enrollment paperwork.
How do I gain access to the Employee Child Development Center?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center has an entrance that is separate from Jackie Carden. All employee CDC parents and visitors must gain access at the center. The entrance to the child development center is at the end of the Jackie Carden Driveway. All visitors and parents must press a button that will allow them to communicate with CISD Employee Child Development Center staff. Visitors and parents will be allowed access once they have properly identified themselves. Anyone that has not made an appointment to visit the center or cannot properly identify themselves will not be able to enter and will be asked to leave.
Is the Child Development Center regulated?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The center will be subject to random and unannounced visits by Child Care Licensing. The child development center will also adhere to the same expectations as any CISD program. The child development center is an extension of employee services. If a parent has any concerns about the child development center they are encouraged to speak with the Crowley ISD Director of Early Childhood Programs. A parent may speak with the Director of Employee Services if the Crowley ISD Director of Early Childhood Programs is not able to resolve the parent’s concern. Parents are also encouraged to contact Child Care Licensing if the director fails resolve a parent concern. The information for the local Child Care Licensing office is below:
Fort Worth CCL Office
1501 Circle Drive, Suite 310
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
(800) 582-8286
(817) 321-8604
Health and Wellness
What happens if my child is sick?
The CISD Employee Child Development Center will follow CISD’s Policies and Minimum Standards (Child Care Licensing operations guidelines for licensed centers) regarding sick students. Sick children must be picked up within one hour of being contacted by the center staff.
Does the CISD Employee Child Development Center have a nurse on staff?
The center has staff that are trained by district health services. The center is also able to seek the support of the Jackie Carden nurse and other district health services staff.
Can my premature baby attend?
The child development center will serve premature babies as long as the parent can provide a signed health statement from their pediatrician stating the infant is approved to enter into a group childcare setting. All child development center parents are required to provide a signed health statement from their child’s pediatrician. This is a required by the Child Care Licensing.
Children with Special Needs
Will you serve students with special needs?
The child development center will make every effort to serve any CISD staff’s child. The center works with designated district staff to ensure that that proper accommodations can be made for any CDC student that has a special need. The parent will be asked to provide a signed health statement from the children’s pediatrician.
Are meals and snacks included?
The tuition rate is inclusive of all meals and snacks. Infants that are not ready for table food will need to bring their meals from home. This includes (formula or breastmilk) and baby food.
When can my infant have table?
Infants can transition to table when they are developmentally ready. This decision will be made by the infant’s parent and the director.
How will you service breastfed babies?
The child development center provides nursing mothers a place for to nurse their babies and/or express their milk. Breastmilk can also be stored at the center and bottle fed to the infant.
I'm pregnant. How soon should I register?
You are encouraged to register as soon as you are comfortable with paying the $150 nonrefundable registration fee. If you secure a space in the CISD Employee Child Development Center you will have a recurring $75 fee that is payroll deducted from your check each month. This fee is necessary to ensure that a parent’s intentions are to move forward with enrollment as soon as their child is born and healthy enough to enter care. When your child enters care you will no longer be required to have the $75 fee deducted from your check. The child development center will move forward with deducting your child’s tuition accordingly.
All expectant and interested parents are encouraged to contact the Crowley ISD Director of Early Childhood Programs prior to enrollment to ensure there is space. Spaces are filled on a first come, first served basis. Priority will be given to any parent that currently has a child in the center.
I heard the Child Development Center is amazing and I want to transfer in! How do I transfer?
You are encouraged to speak with the director about space and availability. If there is space, you will be encouraged to register as soon as possible. If space is not available, you will be added to the waitlist and notified as soon as a space comes open.